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Vitamin D-3 - 5000 IU - 120 Softgels (Non GMO)

THB 560.00
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Vitamin D3 5000 IU Supplement supports women in menopause or perimenopause, promoting bone strength, mood balance, and overall well-being. Its potent benefits ease transitions and empower vitality during this transformative life stage.

Supports Womens health
Non GMO 
Structural Support
High Potency - Dietary Supplement
Dosage - 1 Soft Gel Capsules Every 2 days with food

Empowering Women -  Vitamin D-3 - 5000 IU Supplement and its Health Benefits During Menopause

Navigating Menopause with Vitality
Vitamin D-3 - 5000 IU Supplement emerges as a vital ally for women transitioning through menopause or perimenopause. This transformative stage brings about a myriad of physiological changes, and optimising health becomes paramount. Herein lies the profound role of Vitamin D-3 - Supplement, in supporting women's well-being during this significant life transition.

Fortifying Bone Health
As women approach menopause, declining oestrogen levels predispose them to bone density loss and increased fracture risk. Vitamin D-3 - Supplement, assumes a pivotal role in preserving bone health by facilitating calcium absorption and promoting bone mineralization. By fortifying bone density, it mitigates the risk of osteoporosis and fractures, empowering women to maintain skeletal strength and mobility.

Alleviating Menopausal Symptoms
Menopause heralds a spectrum of symptoms, ranging from hot flashes and mood swings to insomnia and fatigue. Emerging evidence suggests a potential link between Vitamin D deficiency and the severity of menopausal symptoms. By optimising Vitamin D levels, Vitamin D-3 -  Supplement, may alleviate menopausal discomfort, enhancing overall quality of life during this transitional phase.

Supporting Hormonal Balance
Hormonal fluctuations characterise the menopausal transition, contributing to a myriad of physical and emotional changes. Vitamin D-3 - Supplement,  plays a crucial role in hormone regulation, supporting the synthesis and function of key hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone. By promoting hormonal balance, it may help mitigate menopausal symptoms and facilitate a smoother transition.

Enhancing Mood and Mental Well-being
Menopause is often accompanied by mood disturbances, anxiety, and depression, attributable in part to hormonal fluctuations and neurotransmitter imbalances. Vitamin D-3 -  Supplement, exerts mood-regulating effects, with emerging research highlighting its potential to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. By optimising Vitamin D levels, women may experience improved mood stability and enhanced mental well-being during menopause.

Safeguarding Cardiovascular Health
Cardiovascular health becomes increasingly pertinent during menopause, as declining oestrogen levels confer a higher risk of heart disease and stroke., Vitamin D-3 - Supplement, supports cardiovascular health by modulating blood pressure, reducing inflammation, and improving vascular function. By mitigating cardiovascular risk factors, it empowers women to safeguard their heart health during menopause.

Promoting Cognitive Function
Cognitive changes, such as memory lapses and cognitive fog, can accompany the menopausal transition, posing challenges to cognitive function and mental clarity. Vitamin D-3 - 5000 IU Supplement, supports cognitive health by promoting neuroplasticity, neurotransmitter synthesis, and neuronal signalling. By optimising Vitamin D levels, women may preserve cognitive function and mitigate the risk of cognitive decline during menopause.

Fostering Skin Health
Menopause brings about changes in skin health, including dryness, thinning, and reduced elasticity, attributed to declining oestrogen levels. Vitamin D-3 -  Supplement,  supports skin health by promoting cellular repair, collagen synthesis, and antioxidant activity. By nourishing the skin from within, it may help mitigate age-related changes and promote a radiant complexion during menopause.

Mitigating Risk of Chronic Disease
Women undergoing menopause face an increased risk of chronic diseases such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic disorders. Vitamin D-3 - Supplement, exerts anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory effects, thereby conferring protection against disease development and progression. By optimising overall health, it empowers women to embrace this transformative stage with resilience and vitality.

Embracing Wellness
In conclusion, Vitamin D-3 - 5000 IU Supplement, emerges as a cornerstone of women's health during the menopausal transition. From fortifying bone health and alleviating menopausal symptoms to supporting hormonal balance, cardiovascular health, and cognitive function, its multifaceted benefits underscore its indispensability as a health supplement for women navigating menopause. By embracing the transformative power of Vitamin D-3 - 5000 IU Supplement, women can embark on this journey with vitality, resilience, and a renewed sense of well-being.

More Information
Ingredients & Diet Non-GMO
Health Topic Women's Health, Immune System, Heart, Skin, Fitness
Manufacturer Now Foods
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